Turfgrass List Turfgrass List


How are the scores calculated?

To be registered in the official French catalogue, a variety must be tested at the various sites managed by the French Technical Plant Breeding Committee (CTPS); these sites are found across the country. The variety, and its associated control varieties, goes through three years of official testing. Many criteria are evaluated, including resistance to trampling, density, color, and disease tolerance.

This information is then compiled and subject to statistical analyses. The data for the control varieties make it possible to account for variation due to the climatic conditions during the years when experimental trials were conducted. The scores available on Turfgrass List come out of these analyses. The statistical results are then verified by a committee of experts, who determine whether they make practical sense in the field.

These extensive efforts by this large team of people yield officially verified, objective information that facilitates comparisons. As a result, thanks to Turfgrass List, you have the information you need to choose the varieties best suited for your purposes.

© Métaphore Production

© Métaphore Production